Sadly it's not a kitchen-aid mixer, or a fancy new knife but it's ALMOST as good!!!! Tracy from The Daily Mom Diaries awarded me the SUNSHINE AWARD!!!! I never win ANYTHING, well except for the really cool Rusted Chain Giveaway thanks to Tidy Mom. Ok I digress.....
TRACY from The Daily Mom Diaries gave me this cool award, I'm not sure why but to me it means I'm cool. (okay, okay, stop the snickering....) No but seriously, the rule is I have to give it to 5 other bloggers, I'ma gunna try to keep it Canadian, so let's see
1 - Cynthia - Crumbs in the Minivan And check out the new design!!!
2 - C from Life on Manitoulin
3 - Deanna from Money Saving Canadian Mom
4- Mom vs. the Boys
5.Christine from From An Igloo
Happy Friday!!!
Hey thanks!! And of course you deserve an award. :)
Enjoy and congrats!!
(and thanks for the new design mention) {grin}
that's so great thanks!!!
I'll take care of it this weekend!
Awwww! Shucks! ;) Thanks so much for thinking of me! Congrats on the award, btw! So well deserved!!
Hope you have an awesome weekend! XOXOX
P.S. I'm lusting after a Kitchen Aid stand mixer too. LOL!
Thanks so much!
Have a great weekend!
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